Cyanobacteria in Aquariums: Causes, Effects, and Prevention
Alzi la mano chi, durante la propria esperienza acquariofila, non ha mai avuto a che fare con i cianobatteri. Probabilmente la crescita di questi particolari batteri, chiamati impropriamente “alghe azzurre o alghe verdi-azzurre” per il loro colore e la loro...
An aquarium ad a gift: here’s why it’s great idea
The holiday season is near and you don't know what to give? Why not giving a piece of yourself and your passion to someone you care about? Although it may not be a completely unexpected gift, an aquarium can be a perfect present: by offering an aquarium as a gift, you...
Why is important to have a heater in you aquarium
Despite the exceptions, most of the fish cannot regulate their body temperature in relation to the water that surrounds them. There are fish that live in cold polar oceans or in stable and warm waters of tropical seas. Some fish experience significant temperature...
Ideas for a New Aquarium
September has arrived. This is the best month to set up your new aquarium. Days are getting shorter, the air is cooling, and summer is slowly fading into autumn. Surely, you have spent some days, or even just an afternoon, by the seaside or along the banks of a river....
4 Practical tips on how to feed fish in summer
In the previous article we discussed the impact of summer temperatures on the balance of our aquarium. We emphasized the importance of paying attention to the feeding to avoid the accumulation of pollutants and the proliferation of algae. Now let's see how to manage...
How to cool down an aquarium in summer: 5 tips to lower the temperature of your aquarium
L'estate è alle porte e con essa anche il caldo intenso, che può rappresentare una minaccia per i nostri amati acquari. Durante i mesi estivi è fondamentale prendersi cura di pesci, piante e invertebrati per garantire il loro benessere, limitando gli effetti dannosi...
How to cool down an aquarium in summer: 5 tips to lower the temperature of your aquarium
Summer is approaching, bringing with it intense heat that can pose a threat to our beloved aquariums. During the summer months, it is crucial to take care of fish, plants, and invertebrates to ensure their well-being and mitigate the harmful effects of prolonged...
How to take care for pet turtles: A Beginner’s Guide
Among the all aquatic animals that we can observe in our homes, there is a fascinating world beyond the fish or shrimp aquarium. Surely, you have seen water turtles or semi-aquatic turtles living peacefully in dedicated tanks. If they have piqued your curiosity, we...
The Planted Acquarium: much more than just a decorative element
The planted aquarium is much more than just a decorative element: it is a living ecosystem, a microcosm of life that develops before our eyes. Every plant, every rock, every fish is a piece of a puzzle that takes shape day after day, creating a work of art in constant...
The awakening of the pond
In spring, after months of inactivity caused by winter cold, thanks to the rising of light house and temperatures, the ornamental pond starts to reawaken. It is a magic moment in which life pulsates again; plants germinates, fishes and animals animate that little...
Energy-saving advice for aquaria
Accordingly to the energy needs issues that are troubling Europe nowadays, we have asked ourselves: how can we make our aquarium even more efficient but, at the same time, consume the less energy as possible? Through this article we would like to give you some pieces...
Water parameters: a brief introduction
The most important factor to consider in order to have a healthy aquarium is the maintenance of a good quality of its water. As a matter of fact, the health of our fishes and the growth of our plants are strictly related to the balancing of the water chemicals values...
Why you should fertilize your aquarium
What about looking at an aquarium with colorful fishes that swim among luxuriant waterplants? In this case, you would appreciate the explosion of different color shades that movein synchrony cradled by the water flow. Who would not like the idea of having a fish tank...
The aquarium filter
After having talked about the importance of bacteria in the process of our fish tank cycling, it has come the moment to look at how the filter works. As a matter of fact, the filter is the place in which bacteria carry out their tasks in the best way. The proper...
The importance of water conditioner
“Water conditioners are useless”. How often have we ever heard or read something like that on social media or on various forums? In order to understand how they work and why should we use these products, we need to take a step back, trying to figure out in which ways...
Water and aquaria
Water is life. How many times have we heard this sentence? As a matter of fact, if we think about it, living beings are made in a large part of water and they do need it in order to carry out their physiological functions, adjust the temperature and transport oxygen,...
Aquarium for fishes
One of the biggest dreams of all aquaria lovers is certainly the possibility to have at home a glimpse of the sea that allow to observe colourful fishes and wonderful corals. Nevertheless, for those who approach to marine aquaria is much easier to plan a tank...
The Saltwater Reef Tank
The reef aquarium is not only a tank with salt water in it, but it is above all a real underwater world surrounded by five glasses. As it happens in nature, the growth of corals creates a little reef in which fishes and invertebrates live and interact each other,...
Freshwater aquarium: community, biotope or aquascaping aquarium?
For what concerns the freshwater fish tank, we can divide the aquaria into three main types of configurations: community, biotope or aquascaping aquaria. Community aquaria are the first ones through which many of us have approached to this hobby. They host many...
Open top aquarium vs. closed top aquarium
We all have always dreamt a beautiful tank for competition, one of those full of luxuriant plants that emerge above water surface. There we go, we need to face one of the most important step in the choice of our aquarium: open top aquarium or closed top aquarium?...
How to Choose the Right Aquarium
The first time we entered an aquarium shop we got amazed by brightly coloured fish that were swimming into the tanks. Long fins, unusual shapes and cool liveries would be the criteria to bring those fish home. Right. However, where to put them all? The choice of the...
How to prevent stress in fishes?
Scrolling the social media feeds, it can frequently happen to come across news feed or articles talking about fish diseases. Small white spots, fin corrosion and weight loss are some of the physiological responses that may be caused by stress. Thus, what is stress?...